We help you to solve your financial questions
You need support for financing solutions, M&A or international cooperations or Special start-up and new business financing?
Financing Solutions for you
You need support for talking finance with banks, investors or institutions?
Whether you need to convince your bankers, to find financing subsidies or new investors – we have the experience.
We can also represent your interest when you -as a non-quoted company- need to increase your capital or emit convertible bonds
M&A or international Co-operations
You are searching for partners for co-operation or acquisition?
We help you to identify and evaluate potential takeover targets or co-operation partners.
You need support on the selling side? Our experts start from valuation through value optimization to selling negotiations, in order to achieve the best possible result.
You like to go international alone or with a partner in the target country?
We support you in creating your subsidiary with our multinational team or identify several potential partners with a strategic evaluation fit.
Special start-up / new business financing
You want somebody to constitute or challenge your business plan; not only the figures but also the strategy?
Special for promising young start-ups:
Up to 50% of the cost could be paid in shares/parts (requires our business assessment first which is free for you). This is applicable to any mission you give us.